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Ward 6 Dems / Hill Family Biking Food Drive - Saturday, May 20


Updated: May 17, 2023

The Ward 6 Dems and Hill Family Biking are joining forces at the next Kidical Mass biking event, Saturday, May 20, on a food drive to benefit the Capital Area Food Bank.

Date: Saturday, May 20

Time: food collection starts at 3:30 p.m. (ride starts at 4:00 p.m.)

Location: Lincoln Park

No need to RSVP - you can just show up at the park with your donations. Just look for the big pack of people on bikes and the Ward 6 Dems banner.

What should you bring? CAFB has provided a handy "most wanted" list here.

Once you've dropped off your donations, stick around for the ride - you can get the details here. Participation is free, and the ride ends at the Capital Candy Jar, which is partnering on a fundraiser for Maury Elementary School! If you plan to participate in the ride, please make sure to RSVP here so they have an accurate headcount, which helps keep the ride organized and safe.



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