On Tuesday, March 14, the Young Dems of Ward 6 and Young Dems of Ward 2 committees co-hosted a virtual fireside chat with Councilmember Robert White, the new chair of the DC Council's Housing Committee, focusing on how the council plans to tackle issues of housing affordability. Councilmember White addressed topics including:
Overview of the Housing Committee's areas of responsibility
Key issues they plan to work on in the next council period
Oversight, particularly of the DC Housing Authority, to ensure we're getting a better return on the resources we're investing in housing
Displacement, gentrification, and equity in development
Conversion of downtown office space
Rent increases and the role of rent control
Did you miss it? You can catch the full recording of the event on our NEW YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@ward6demsdc (and while you're there, make sure to subscribe!). You can also catch the recording of the first session in the series, a panel featuring Reginald Black of the People for Fairness Coalition and Amber Harding of the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless that was moderated by our shadow representative, Rep. Oye Owolewa, on the YouTube channel.