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Looking Ahead to 2022

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Fellow Ward 6 Democrats, Happy Presidents' Day!

At both the local and national levels, Democratic planning for 2021 and 2022 is well underway.

Just over a week ago, your Ward 6 Dems officers gathered (on Zoom, of course) to set our plans for 2021. We'll be continuing our popular virtual salon series, building capacity and relationships with community groups, growing our Young Dems of Ward 6 group, and refreshing our website. You may have already noticed our more active social media presence. If you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and if you see something you like, share it!

DC FY22 budget season has begun, and Mayor Bowser is hosting a series of Budget Engagement Forums this week. Sign up to join one to learn more about her plans and share your thoughts. We anticipate that our Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen will also hold his customary Ward 6 Budget Townhall later this spring and will share information about that as it becomes available.

Swing Left and other national groups are beginning to plan for the 2021 state elections in Virginia and the 2022 midterms. You can learn more about what's in store below.

Chuck Burger

President, Ward 6 Democrats

Swing Left: National Strategy Update 2021-2022

Last Thursday, Swing Left held a nation-wide organizing call to share their strategy for the 2021 state elections in Virginia and the 2022 midterm elections. As founder Ethan Todras-Whitehill noted: "Progress doesn't happen on its own - we have to make it happen," and now is the time for planning, while we await the results of the Virginia state primary this spring and the decennial national redistricting process.

Swing Left's 2021 focus - and ours as well - will be working to keep the legislative and executive branches of the Virginia state government blue. The focus for 2022 will be to protect and hopefully expand Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. This will be a significant task, as it is customary for the party in power to lose seats in the midterms, and Dems have no seats to spare in either chamber. We will need to reverse that trend for President Biden and Vice President Harris to be able to continue to make progress on the policies they were elected to implement.

As one of the local volunteers on the call pointed out: "Everything we do has impact. There is room for every skill and every strength, so jump in and find a way to contribute to Democratic victories up and down the ballot that works for you." That's good advice, and we'll have more information and options for you to contribute to Democratic victories in Virginia this fall in the months to come.

DC Statehood: Show Your Support

Show your support for DC Statehood with a yard / window sign! Here's how to participate:

  • Want a single sign? Request it here.

  • You can also arrange a pickup from Ankit, one of our Young Dems who lives near the Convention Center.

  • Willing to take ten (or more!) signs to distribute to friends and neighbors? Sign up here and we will contact you.

Don't forget to take a picture of your sign and share it on social media, tagging #DCStatehood. Thanks to Neighbors United for DC Statehood, DC Vote, and 51 for 51 for leading and funding this effort.

YDW6: Demanding Representation - A Salon on DC Statehood, Thursday February 25

With the eyes of the nation on DC this past January, the calls for statehood for the District of Columbia are louder than ever. As Young Democrats move into the District - especially here in Ward 6 - many are eager to support the cause. But how can residents - especially new residents with friends and family predominantly outside DC - join the fight for statehood responsibly and effectively?

Join the Young Dems of Ward 6 as we host Bo Shuff, Executive Director of DC Vote, the leading statehood advocacy organization, for an intimate salon-style conversation. We'll cover everything you need to know about the history of the fight for statehood, the current environment, and how you can help DC achieve its long-sought recognition as the 51st state.

Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Zoom, link provided on registration

To keep conversations intimate and casual, RSVPs are typically capped around 25 attendees, so don't wait to RSVP (although we will also keep a waitlist should seats open up).

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