On Monday, September 23, 2024, the Ward 6 and Ward 3 Democrats jointly hosted a community forum on I83, the ballot initiative that, if passed, would bring ranked choice voting and semi-open primaries to DC.
Panelists included:
Deirdre Brown, Vote No on I83 (against) - https://www.voteno83.com
Philip Pannell, Make All Votes Count (for) - https://www.makeallvotescountdc.org
Andrew Lightman, Hill Rag, moderator
Both sides presented their positions, after which the session moved to a Q&A discussion, with panelists taking questions that were submitted in advance and then live from the audience through chat.
The questions primarily dealt with issues of how both ranked choice voting and semi-open primaries would work, should the ballot initiative pass. Panelists also addressed the reasoning behind the push for the two changes to DC voting practices, the reasoning for combining the two separate changes in one proposal, and the potential downsides and drawbacks to making the change.
Did you miss it? You can catch the recording on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YrvgN6cGP4