NEW DATE! Ward 6 Budget Town Hall: Thursday, June 6
DC FY25 Budget - Ward 6 Update
At Large Candidate Forum: Monday, May 20
Call for Volunteers: May 20 At Large Candidate Forum
DC Budget Season: How to Deliver Effective Testimony
DC Democrats' Kennedys-King Dinner: Friday, May 17
DC at the DNC
DC Board of Elections Educational Session: Tuesday, April 30
DC Shadow Representative Candidate Recording
Ward 6 Mutual Aid Southwest Spring Food Drive
DNC Delegate Election: THIS Saturday, April 20
Volunteer Opportunity - Hill Family Biking Anniversary Ride: Saturday, April 27
Q&A on Repro Rights with Charles Allen: May 20
Budget Town Hall with CM Allen: Tuesday, April 9
Save the Date! Great Ward 6 Spring Clean: Saturday, April 6
Volunteer Capitol Hill: Saturday, April 6
Call for Volunteers: Ward 6 Committeeman
DC Shadow Senator Candidate Forum Recording
Volunteering and Donating Effectively: Tuesday, March 19
DC Shadow Senator Candidate Forum: Wednesday, March 20